Saturday, October 11, 2008

New Tag!

My friend Amber tagged me,SO you go to your pictures go to your sixth folder and choose the sixth picture and post it! This is a picture of me a couple of years ago while I was living in California. It reminds me of some really great times I had there while living the ultimate bachelorette lifestyle! Now it's your turn! I tag Deanne, Danielle, Ashley, and Jennifer!


lofgreenlegacy said...

I love that picture! You are gorgeous!!! And I love love love your hair like that.

The Richards said...

Your are so beautiful and so photogenic! Love the picture!

Ashley said...

I will have to try this tag. You look HOT! I love the hair!

Jason and Jennifer Bryce said...

I am so jealous that you got to be a bachelorette in California! That would be so would made have made me think twice about getting married for sure! I love being married though. Just wait till you little one starts talking and she is 3 and dosen't have an off switch. They say the funniest things sometimes! I wish I would write down all the funny things they say.