Monday, August 11, 2008

Messy Messy Messy!

K, I was warned that this blogging thing could become addicting. So far I am still in denial! =)

This is slightly out of order time wise, but it's just way too cute not to post. Again, I am a first time mom, and back me up here ladies...who doesn't get enough of talking about their kids?!

About a month and half ago, we decided that Shaelana was mature enough to try her first Gerber biter biscuit. I told you...the girl eats everything! Well, we set her up in her bouncy and let her have at it. After a good 30 minutes of sucking, nawing and devouring the last of this poor cookie, this is the aftermath....

She literally had it from her nose to her knees!!! What a face that makes the mess all worth it though!

Proud Moments

My precious daughter is so amazing! She is growing so rapidly and I try to hold on to every moment I can. Last night, on her own, she started doing "patty cake"! I was so excited, she stayed up almost an hour past bed time so we could keep playing patty cake!

Then this afternoon, the greatest thing happened. Shaelana finally said "Momma"! I was literally jumping up and down! She found this funny ofcourse, and when she said it again, I became even more ecstatic. I called her Daddy and my own Mom to tell them the fantastic news of my daughters accomplishments! I LOVE being a Mommy!

Proud Mommy Comments
Proud Mommy Comments

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ahhh Memories

This looks like fun, thanks Hope for the idea!

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2.Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.

Here we are!

Well, this is our first official post on our first family blog! Let's see how well I keep up with this stuff!

Here's the gist for those of you who I have lost contact with for a significant amount of time....

Brandon and were married on November 16, 2007. We have a beautiful daughter, Shaelana Tyrae, who just turned 7 months old and is steadily captivating our hearts. Brandon has a 5 year old daughter from a previous relationship, Lexie Justine, who is about to start kindergarten in 2 weeks.

The four of us live in Tucson, Arizona. Not our dream home town, but right now we are creating memories and enjoying being near our families just the same.

We love our kids, love the Lord, and love our family's!

Right now, Brandon is going through a custody issue over Lexie, but we are nearing the finish line to this very long, treacherous journey. Last night, we were both able to speak to Lexie on the phone!!! It has been 3 months since we have been able to talk to her, and we haven't seen her in 8 months so this was HUGE! Her Daddy said her prayers with her on the phone (completely precious!) and she also talked to her baby sister who she has yet to meet.

Shaelana, my pride and daily joy, is growing way too fast! She has 2 teeth already, is talking a little(a social girl just like her Momma!) she rolls over, sits up, and crawls backward and side ways...weird I know. She can wave "hi" and "bye-bye" and she gets around beautifully in her walker. She loves to eat everything, sings when she is tired, and giggles when she gets to lay down in Mommy and Daddy's bed. She's our little miracle baby, in so many ways!

I love my life and like the headline says..."I'm counting my blessings!"