Monday, August 11, 2008

Proud Moments

My precious daughter is so amazing! She is growing so rapidly and I try to hold on to every moment I can. Last night, on her own, she started doing "patty cake"! I was so excited, she stayed up almost an hour past bed time so we could keep playing patty cake!

Then this afternoon, the greatest thing happened. Shaelana finally said "Momma"! I was literally jumping up and down! She found this funny ofcourse, and when she said it again, I became even more ecstatic. I called her Daddy and my own Mom to tell them the fantastic news of my daughters accomplishments! I LOVE being a Mommy!

Proud Mommy Comments
Proud Mommy Comments


Ashley said...

OH that is the greatest! Congratulations!

lofgreenlegacy said...

That is the best! I remember the feeling like it just happened. How exciting for you! She is so dang cute!