Monday, August 11, 2008

Messy Messy Messy!

K, I was warned that this blogging thing could become addicting. So far I am still in denial! =)

This is slightly out of order time wise, but it's just way too cute not to post. Again, I am a first time mom, and back me up here ladies...who doesn't get enough of talking about their kids?!

About a month and half ago, we decided that Shaelana was mature enough to try her first Gerber biter biscuit. I told you...the girl eats everything! Well, we set her up in her bouncy and let her have at it. After a good 30 minutes of sucking, nawing and devouring the last of this poor cookie, this is the aftermath....

She literally had it from her nose to her knees!!! What a face that makes the mess all worth it though!


lofgreenlegacy said...

That is the cutest picture ever!!! I love letting them try new things, especially at that age! I told you it was addicting!

Dmcguire25 said...

I hate those things because they are so messy but the babies love them!!! I remember those days. Man I see bam in her in this picture!!!

Ashley said...

She is adorable. Those biter biscuits are like glue when they dry!

lofgreenlegacy said...

Hey I'm always checking your blog for new postings...where are they? JK, hope all is well.

Deanne Wahl said...

I am so glad you found my blog. Your little girl is adorable. She looks alot like you. How are you? If you are ever heading to Mesa and need a stop, we live in Coolidge and I would love to see you. You look beautiful!!