Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sick Day

My poor precious babies!!! The cold season has officially set in around our home and for some reason I have had immunity to it so far (knock on wood). My two loves however are dealing with the worst of it and take my word for it when I say that when Shaelana started getting it, the whole household lost any hope for sleep last night. The three of us were up all night long and she was screaming and crying, and her Daddy and I were on the verge of tears ourself! Having a sick baby is the saddest thing! If only they could tell us what hurts or what they need in words. She wanted to be walked and bounced, which is something we have never been in the habit of doing, and Brandon was a total trooper and catered to her until it was bath time this morning. No one really rested at all.

So, I was checking my email and the two of them were cuddled up on the couch when I left the room. Here is what I returned to...

My sweet babies!
Soooo tired.
They still have no idea I was even back in the room. If only I could take it away. My prayers are for speedy recoveries and no hospital visits!!!


Jason and Jennifer Bryce said...

So this may sound a little weird but you rub vicks on the bottom of her feet at night and then put socks on. It should keep the coughing down to a minimum. It totally works on my boys, I thought my aunt was kookie when she told me. Poor thing. We get lots of colds at our house, considering two little boys are pretty germie. Keep the tylenol on board and a humidifier going. Good luck and take care! Take a nap sometime your self!

Dmcguire25 said...

I love these, thank you for posting these pictures! It is a wonderful site to see them like this, not sick, but so tender! Bam has always been great when it comes to dealing with kids! I knew he was a wonderful person but he amazes me as a Dad! He still is a guy but he is great! I am so thankful you are not sick because when mommy is sick, the house is not happy at all!!! Love ya

The Richards said...

Those pictures are so sweet, but what are you doing blogging you are supposed to be cuddled up in bed now that she is sleeping! Trust me with 3 girls you get sleep in when you can. And i hate it when my babies are sick, its so sad. I hope they get better soon! Chicken broth in the bottle, and older lady told me that one time and i still do it and the vicks thing...good luck we are battling the same thing at my house not so fun!

camilla said...

Of course I remember you! Your family is so cute! I'll have to add your blog link to mine so i can spy on you from time to time!

lofgreenlegacy said...

O' my gosh! I'm so sorry. I hate it when anyone in my family's sick. We have been very lucky the last year. Also the vick vapor rub on the bottom of the feet totally works! I swear by it. The pictures are absolutely perfect. Nothing is sweeter than that. I hope you don't get it too. It's so hard to do anything as a sick mama. Every year about this time, I quit taking my kids in the stores, no matter what. There are so many germs out there. I know Kaden is exposed at school but the stores seem so dirty. We keep them out of stores til about March. It's harder but it helps. I hope they feel better.

lofgreenlegacy said...


Dmcguire25 said...

So we need some new updates please!!!