Saturday, December 6, 2008

Our little dolly

I am SO excited! We had Shaelana's pictures taken for the holidays, in honor of her very first Christmas and I simply had to show her off. Her matching headband was made by yours truly...a project I have never tackled until now, but I'm thinking of making more to match all her clothes that don't have headbands now that I completed this one! Here she is...our very own little doll.


lofgreenlegacy said...

O my gosh!! I love love love her little smile! It's adorable! Those pics are priceless!

Beth morgan said...

She is the cutest!!! And just think, those photographers get paid to take pictures of your cutie!! They should be paying you!!! Adorable!!

Dmcguire25 said...

That is so sweet! Man she is beautiful! Savannah has that same dress for the Holidays!!! She is so pretty and sweet!

Jason and Jennifer Bryce said...

AWE Man! Cute little dresses and hair bows makes me want a little girl! Oh well I got nieces.

Luke & Erica said...

Those are the cutest pics! Love that dress. Girls are so much fun to get dressed up. There are so many accessories to go with every outfit.