Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Quick Update

Hello Blogworld!!! My pc is DEAD and I have no way to connect thus the lack of posts and comments. Trust me, I miss it!

We moved into our new house in Catalina about a month and a half ago, and so far we really love it. It is great for our family and what we need at this time in our life so we are very thankful!

Shaelana is doing fantastic, still creating many more opportunities for "Uh-Oh" posts, but to save everyone time, I'll say she is a typical toddler. Big attitude, big agenda, most of which she shouldn't be doing. SMART! She is trying to count to three, can point out many body parts, and sings in baby babble. She understands many directive things and follows appropriately (Where's your cup? Let's go night-night. Time to take a bath. Sit on the potty....etc.) She is officially no longer drinking a bottle. We made her quit cold turkey when we bought her some great new sippy cups. A week later she was forced to say bye-bye to the binky as well. She is sleeping in a toddler bed, in her own room, through the night with NO tears! YAY! HUGE accomplishment in that department. We all sleep better now! She is amazing and I love her more everyday!

Lexie is getting so big! She is writing and reading and learning addition, and counting and recognizing coins. Her favorite subject is art. She loves to doodle, color and draw. She is very inquisitive about God now and is asking many questions. We love sharing with her about our Heavenly Father. Children her age have so many questions about every single thing, so its great she's applying some of those to her faith too. I'm impressed with her intelligence.

Easter was great! We had a big picnic with the family at the park, flew kites, blew bubbles, played on the playgrounds and wore ourselves out! I have some great pictures of the girls from then, but don't have my pictures on this pc....so I guess they'll wait!

Hopefully I will be back soon!


lofgreenlegacy said...

Hey I'm glad to hear that you are in AZ still...I bet Shaelana is an absolute doll! Can't wait to see pics. We are doing good here, just busy and constantly changing our plans for the future. I'll give you a call probably tomorrow and we can catch up, so good to hear from you. Talk soon-Love ya-

Dmcguire25 said...

I am so glad to hear that!!! I have been waiting to hear from you guys! I love you so much and hope to see or talk to you guys soon!

Luke & Erica said...

So good to hear that you are doing well. Can't wait to see new pics.

The Richards said...

Yeah, you posted! I was beginning to worry about you! I am glad you are doing good and your children sound like they are doing awesome! Moving is hard, especially with kids i bet that was difficult! Anyways glad you are back and cant wait for the pictures!

Deanne Wahl said...

It is so fun to hear from you again. I really love the toddler stage, even with all it's craziness. I love the picture of SHaelana's eyes!