Monday, December 1, 2008

Wonderful Holiday

Well I am finally feeling more up to par since the surgery and can take some time out to post a few pictures from our Thanksgiving. We truly had a wonderful day. We spent half with Brandon's family and half with mine which in the past has always been stressful trying to split ourself equally between 2 mothers who don't like to share us, but this year it was so much more peaceful! It was Shaelana's first Thanksgiving and she thoroughly enjoyed the turkey and all the trimmings at both meals. We had family come in on both sides from out of town which was a treasure in itself, not to mention the beautiful wintery weather that stuck around! We were so happy to have a chill in the air that day!

I can't begin to list the many things that I am thankful for, but at the top of my list are:

My comforting husband, Brandon, who has taken care of me and Shaelana so wonderfully since my surgery and been loving and doting when we emotional girls needed him. He is such a wonderful man and in him I have found what being in love is. He is my best friend and the love of my life!

My gorgeous daughter, Shaelana, who brings laughter, love, and joy just with her presence. She teaches me daily and I am mystified at how we ever lived without her. She astonishes us at how rapidly she learns things and how much she is growing and developing her very own little vivacious personality. How she contains it all in her tiny body amazes me!

My wonderful family who still expresses the same never failing love that they have my whole life, and who make it a fun event on just an ordinary day by their company.

And last, but certainly not least, my heavenly father who I know has never let me go or left my side through all of my struggles and experiences and who has blessed me with an abundance of things to be thankful for. He has given me strength and comforted me in times that I wouldn't have known how to keep going and His promise of my eternal life a priceless gift.

I am so truly grateful for the life that I have!

The three of us on Shaelana's first Thanksgiving.

Shaelana playing with her Great Aunt Jewel and second cousins Dakota and Paige
Shaelana and Papa Chuck enjoying the crisp winter air.

I love this face! Shaelana decided to use Papa Chuck as a jungle gym while playing in the floor with her Grandma Ruth

Papa Jim enjoying Shaelana's feistyness on Thanksgiving

Shaelana playing car-car with her Great Granny. Cars are her latest obsession and she is especially thrilled pushing the monster truck around!

Also, a couple of weeks ago, my family and I went to a classic car show here in Tucson and I HAD to post these pictures of my little diva in the making!!!
She's a movie star!

Enjoying her very first snocone! She had a rainbow one and refused to lick any ice but the cherry flavor! Boy was she ever feisty when it was time to throw it away!


Deanne Wahl said...

I had no idea you had surgery. I am glad to hear it went alright. Your little girl gets cuter everytime I look at your blog :)

The Richards said...

Cute cute pictures! I love the snowcone one, i totally understand!

Luke & Erica said...

So glad to hear that your surgery went well. Love your blog about your Thanksgiving. We are the same with ours. Luke and I have Thanksgiving with his family and then with mine. It is fun being able to share that time with everyone in one day, but it can sure be tiring. Love the pics, can't believe how big your little gal is!

Dmcguire25 said...

Man what a beautiful family! Man I can not get over how big she is getting! I can not get over it!!! I love you guys and miss you so very much, Happy Holidays and I hope we see you soon!
Love your,

lofgreenlegacy said...

How flippin cute! I'm glad that you are feeling better. And had a good Thanksgiving. I love the pic of Shaelana jumping on her papa. Looks like something my kids still do.